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作者:admin  时间:2014-11-02 09:43



  France In France,everyone has a Christmas tree,sometimes decorated in the old way with red ribbons and real white wax candles.Fir6) trees in the garden are often decorated too,with lights on all night.Father Christmas is called Père Noel.The Christmas meal is an important family gathering with good meat and the best wine.Not everyone sends Christmas cards.

  法国 在法国,每人都有一棵圣诞树。有时圣诞树按传统的方式用红绸带和真正的白蜡烛装饰。庭院中的冷杉树也经常被装饰起来,通宵都亮着小彩灯。圣诞老人被叫做“圣诞阿爸”。圣诞宴是一次重要的家庭聚会,席上满是美酒佳肴。圣诞卡不是每个人都寄的。


  Sweden The most important day is Christmas Eve.A special Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve--ham(pork),herring10) fish,and brown beans--and this is the time when families give presents to each other.Many people attend a church meeting early on Christmas Day.

  瑞典 最重要的日子是圣诞夜。特别的圣诞宴安排在圣诞夜,有猪肉火腿、鲱鱼和褐豆。这也是各家互赠礼物的时候。很多人在圣诞节这一天一大早便去教堂参加聚会。



  Russia In the days of the Soviet Union,Christmas was not celebrated very much.New Year was the important time--when “Father Frost” brought presents to children.Now Christmas can be openly celebrated--either on December25th;or more often on January 7th.This unusual date is because the Russian Orthodox church uses the old“Julian”calendar9) for religious celebration days.Special Christmas food includes cakes,pies and “meat dumplings.”

  俄罗斯 苏联时期,人们不大过圣诞节。新年是一个重要的节日---这时“霜父”为孩子们带来礼物。现在圣诞节可以被公开庆祝,或者在12月25日,或者更通常在1月7日。选择后者这个不寻常的日子是因为俄罗斯东正教按照古老的儒略历确定宗教节日。典型的圣诞宴包括蛋糕、馅饼以及“肉饺”。


  Portugal People pretend that Father Christmas brings presents to children on Christmas Eve.The presents are left under the Christmas tree or in shoes by the fireplace.A special Christmas meal of salted dry cod-fish8) with boiled potatoes is eaten at midnight on Christmas Eve.

  葡萄牙 人们假装圣诞老人在圣诞夜给孩子们带来礼物。礼物放到圣诞树下面或者壁炉旁的鞋里。圣诞夜子夜之时,人们开始享用有腌制的鳕鱼和煮土豆的特别的圣诞宴。


  Latvia Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12days of Christmas starting on Christmas Eve.Usually the presents are put under the family Christmas tree.The special Latvian Christmas Day meal is cooked brown peas with bacon(pork)sauce,small pies,cabbage and sausage.

  拉脱维亚 拉脱维亚人相信圣诞老人在从圣诞夜开始的12天中每天都带给人们礼物。通常礼物放在家中的圣诞树下。独特的拉脱维亚圣诞节宴有褐豆加火腿酱、小馅饼、洋白菜和香肠。


  Brazil Father Christmas is called Papai Noel.Many Christmas customs are similar to those in the USA or UK.For those who have enough money,a special Christmas meal will be chicken,turkey,ham,rice,salad,pork,fresh and dried fruits,often with beer.Poorer people will just have chicken and rice.

  巴西 圣诞老人被叫做“圣诞阿爸”。巴西很多的圣诞节习俗与美国或英国类似。对于那些有钱的人家,特别的圣诞宴有鸡、火鸡、火腿、米饭、沙拉、猪肉,以及水果和干果,通常还有啤酒。穷人只是食用鸡和米饭。

标签: 圣诞节文化 经验的反义词 仰望的近义词