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作者:admin  时间:2014-05-08 02:17

迷茫的时候,听听她怎么说 Hillary Clinton 希拉里·克林顿

  Every one of us every day has choices to make about the kind of person we are and what we wish to become. You can decide to be someone who brings people together, or you can fall prey to those who wish to divide us. You can be someone who educates yourself, or you can believe that being negative is clever and being cynical is fashionable. You have a choice。


内心脆弱的时候,听听她怎么说 J. K. Rowling J·K·罗琳

  We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already。


害怕面对现实的时候,听听她怎么说 Cate Blanchett 凯特·布兰切特

  If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously。


无聊的时候,听听她怎么说 Oprah Winfrey 奥普拉·温弗瑞

  I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull。


对外表不自信的时候,听听她怎么说 Coco Chanel 可可·香奈儿

  Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening。


不满现状的时候,听听她怎么说 Simone de Beauvoir 西蒙娜·德·波伏娃

  Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay。


犹豫不决的时候,听听她怎么说 李娜 Li Na

  When you do one thing, people think it's right or wrong. Maybe half-half. I don't care what the other half says. I do what I want. I was working for myself, I'm not working for anybody。

标签: 励志语录 迷茫的句子 气冲斗牛的意思 无疾而终的意思